Frank Cutitta
When not living in his fantasy world teaching Grays on Trays, Frank returns to his day job as an international media and advertising executive and researcher and a professor of cross cultural communications and internet marketing.
He is recognized by Folio Magazaine as one of the media business' Top 40 Innovators and Influencers. His work in the media sector focuses on transformational issues related to senior management and employee migration to: performance based advertising, database development, content asset optimization and the "Big Data Media Company of the Future".
He founded The Center for Global Branding in 2005 after serving as Chief Executive Officer of the International Advertising Association (IAA), and as a senior international executive at International Data Group for over two decades. With 75 chapters and 4000 members in 90 countries, the IAA is the world’s largest organization representing advertisers, ad agencies, media companies, research companies, and academic institutions specializing in branding across borders. He also spearheaded the organization’s university accreditation programs which offer IAA diplomas in international advertising studies at 50 universities around the world. Cutitta was responsible for organizing the IAA World Congress in Beijing, the largest event in the world for global marketers, which was attended by over 1,300 senior advertising executives from 42 countries. Cutitta also served for over 20 years in corporate management capacities at International Data Group, reaching the point of Senior Vice President at the holding company. International Data Group (IDG) is the world's largest technology media, research, and event company with operations in 85 countries.
During his tenure at IDG, Cutitta served as point-person on the launch team and Board of Directors of the first Soviet/American publishing joint venture; culminating in IDG's historic launch of PC World/USSR in 1988. He also spearheaded the establishment of the IDG/Latin America operations, which led to the launch of the regional PC World/Latin America editorial and advertising network.
As General Manager of IDG Connect he launched a pan-IDG global database company and Engagement Intensity Index® that applied a "big data" approach to content engagement. This led to a totally new and unique revenue vein and the highest profit margins in the IDG global empire during the most challenging media environment on record.
After over 20 years, he retired from IDG in 2010 and continues to serve as an innovation consultant and executive trainer to the company. He has served as the Governor's appointee to the Massachusetts Export Advisory Council; as a Board Member of the original Massachusetts Soviet Trade Council; and as an advisor to U.S. Information Agency (USIA) projects and programs in the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Cuba.
During a 3 year sabbatical from IDG between 1988 and 1991, Cutitta was President of Astarte International Trading, a business development, executive security and trading firm in the former-Soviet Union. During this period he spent two years based in Moscow.
He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and received a Master of Arts Degree in Educational Administration from Rider University in Lawrenceville, NJ.
He is currently a Doctoral candidate, and graduate professor at Northeastern University where he teaches masters' courses in intercultural communications , global advertising and personal branding in the schools of education and communications. He was recently appointed a Research Fellow at the Northeastern University Center for Sport in Society.
Cutitta serves as an adviser to Carnegie Communications a higher education marketing communications consultancy, and as member of the board for MedTech Media, the leading media firm in the healthcare IT sector. Most recently Cutitta was appointed a Research Fellow for the Leading Edge Forum division of Computer Sciences Corporation where he researches and consults on the co-evolution of marketing and information technology organizations in large global enterprises. His current work focuses on "Weapons of Mass Discussion™" and the global deployment of conversation-based marketing technology strategies around the world. He writes and speaks frequently at international industry and academic conferences on such topics as: "Weapons of Mass Discussion®: The Deployment of Conversation Based Marketing Technology Strategies"; "The Geography of Narcissism: The Cross Cultural Aspects of Social Media"; "International Database & Content Alignment Strategies For Optimized Lead Generation"; "The Big Data Media Company of the Future"; "Socially Awkward: Preparing for the The Co-Evolution of Marketing and IT"; "Cross Cultural Aspects of Global Branding in a Wireless World"; "The Global Brand Called YOU !!!" - (Personal branding in the age of globalization); "Brand versus Demand: Aligning Global Marketing, Advertising and Sales for ROI"; and "The Global Advertising Executives' Guide to Navigating the Trends and Markets of the New Millennium"; "Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics: The Global Branding Implications"; "The Generational Aspect of Sport in a Graying Global Population". Given his desire to keep his early roots in teaching and educational administration alive Cutitta is a frequent visiting lecturer at colleges and universities around the world, serving on a number of occasions as a Hearst Fellow endowed by the Hearst Foundation. In April of 2005 he was honored as the Irma S. Mann Distinguished Lecturer on Strategic Marketing at Emerson College as a result of his contributions to the international advertising profession and to education. Following his early career in the mid 70's a special education teacher, wrestling coach and school administrator, Cutitta held sales and marketing positions at Macmillan Publishing in NYC, and Learning Periodicals Group (publishers of Learning Magazine) in Palo Alto. In the winter he can be found in Vermont teaching Grays on Trays® a snowboarding program for mature beginners and Grays on Waves a standup paddle program for aging beginners. He is also a passionate cook and wine enthusiast. In June 2003 he was given the honor to cook as guest chef at Boston's top French restaurant, Sel de la Terre. At the other extreme he produces "opinionated" beef jerky and pickles under his Scary Foodz® label. Cutitta's most enjoyable time is with his wife Leslie and two daughters, Olivia and Genevieve at their home in Wayland, Massachusetts.